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Harley Johnson

Buyer, Warehouse

About Harley...


I started working for Unleashed in 2021 at the Southport store. I enjoyed working for this company, so when I transferred to North Carolina State University, I thought it was fate that I could continue working for Unleashed in Raleigh while in school. I have had the opportunity to work at every Unleashed location, and enjoy the variety of what each store and our warehouse have to offer.


I love animals, but cats are my absolute favorite pet. I am a cat lady to my core. My family has been involved with animal rescue for as long as I can remember, so I have always had a zoo’s worth of cats and dogs in my family’s home. 


My cat Pebbles is really special. When we adopted her, she only had a few hours left at the shelter before being euthanized, and 9 years later she’s happy, healthy, and almost as talkative as me. I have had a difficult nutrition journey with her, but have finally found a good balance of foods, supplements, and routines that keep her in good health (please stop in and ask me about a Wellness Scan, I could go on for hours about them). 


I believe in what we do, and helping the community learn about the best ways to help their animals thrive is a great way to spend my time.

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