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John Hofbauer
Chief Operating Officer

T. 919-977-0008

John Hofbauer

About John

The two most constant things in my life are a life-long love of pets and earning a living working in the business of pets. I have had dogs and cats (and gerbils and fish and ferrets and guinea pigs) since my earliest memories of childhood and I started working in the pet industry as a child in the family pet supply wholesaling business. Except for a few years spent in other industries, much of my adult life has been spent buying and selling pet products in one form or another. Luckily, I currently have the best job I’ve ever had in the industry as I get to work with JP and Amy every day on fulfilling their mission! 


When not working on the Mission of Unleashed, I enjoy my family (my wife Lisa and I have a 23 year old son and 15 year old daughter), our pets (2 huskies and a ferret), golf and enjoying live music.  

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John's Pets

gizmo and nahla
Scott and Pluto
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