Locally owned & operated stores offering the best supplies at the best prices for every dog and cat!
Kalyn Kristof
Assistant Manager, Front Street, Downtown Wilmington
About Kalyn...
Hello! My name is Kalyn and I have been with Unleashed since 2023. I was born and raised in Wilmington and currently a third year student at University of North Carolina at Wilmington pursuing a degree in psychology. My dream career is to be a therapist specializing in animal assisted therapy. I am lucky enough to have seen and experienced first hand how much animals make our lives better, and I love working somewhere that I can be a part of improving the lives of the animals who mean so much to us. One of my favorite parts of working at Unleashed is getting to know the community. Downtown Wilmington is full of amazing people and pets. Whether it’s having a conversation with a regular or getting to see pictures of visitors’ fur-babies, I love getting to talk to everyone who walks through our doors.
I have been surrounded by animals my whole life, and currently have two dogs and three cats. Pacha and Moose are my crazy lab-pits, BB is a true Halloween black cat, and Eleven is my grey kitty who never leaves my side. When I am not at work or school, I love doing yoga, surfing, traveling, and anything to do with music. I also enjoy getting involved with my community when I can, such as with organizations like NourishNC, the New Hanover Humane Society, and the Surfrider Foundation. Overall, I love coming to work every day and seeing all of the furry friends!