Announcement about Victor Pet Foods
Hey Unleashed friends and family,
We take a break from our regular fun posting of cute pets and good deals to share some not-so-fun news with you. One of the pet food brands that we carry, Victor Pet Foods, has issued a voluntary recall due to the potential for Salmonella. If you have a bag of Victor Pet Food with Best-By Dates before 10/31/24, you may bring it to any Unleashed location for a full refund, plus 20% off any new bag of pet food.
Although we hope to never encounter recalls, Unleashed employees are trained for such an occasion, and we are all monitoring the situation closely. Fortunately, no pets have been reported to be affected by this recall and the recall is being done out of an abundance of caution. Humans are more susceptible to the negative effects of salmonella than our pets, so please, always wash your hands after handling any pet food.
Not sure what to feed now while Victor is busy super sanitizing and inspecting their facility with a fine-tooth comb? We are here to help! We love rotational feeding, so hopefully your pet already has some other favorites, but if you haven’t gotten into rotational feeding (mixing and matching brands and flavors) yet, we are happy to introduce you or find the closest food to what your pet has been eating and help with the transition. We have lots of experience helping pets find the just right food(s) for them and making sure the transition goes smoothly. Helping pets be as happy and healthy as ours is not only our mission, it is our passion, and what we love most.
If you need help with pet food, today or any day, stop in and talk with one of our awesome employees- we think you’ll be impressed by how much they know! If your pet(s) have special needs or more complex situations, or you have extra concerns that you want to make sure we have the time and extra expertise to address, please sign up for a FREE one-on-one nutritional consultation on our website: *Consultations are offered in person at one of our store locations- Unleashed, LLC, aka Unleashed, the Dog & Cat Store, is locally owned and operated with locations in Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Wilmington, & Southport, North Carolina. Visit for more details.
Here is the link to the official recall announcement:
If you like to get into the nitty-gritty like us, here is a link to the FDA & CDC’s ongoing Salmonella investigation (short version: there have been 7 unrelated reports of Salmonella (in people) across the US (none in NC) from Jan to Nov 2023- 3 of which mentioned feeding Victor to their pets, leading to one retail sample of one Victor formula from SC being tested, which has led to Victor voluntarily recalling all of their products to be 100% sure that there are no products for sale with Salmonella.) The Salmonella investigation is ongoing, and you can find out more here:
